Dell executive Jeffrey Clarke has reportedly revealed that he urged Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer to avoid using the Windows brand for the company's Windows RT operating system. The Australian Financial Review reports that Clarke said the new OS for ARM-based tablets should be called something other than Windows, but Ballmer insisted the brand was too important.
Windows RT is being used as the operating system and brand for Microsoft's Surface RT tablet and other ARM-based systems from OEMs such as Dell, Samsung, and Asus. Microsoft failed to explain the Windows 8 vs. Windows RT differences to consumers in a clear way ahead of the Surface launch, creating confusion by keeping a full desktop in Windows RT without the ability to run legacy applications. We've previously argued that it's time for Microsoft to drop the Windows brand for a mobile future with Windows RT and Windows Phone to avoid confusion with a new app model and interface.
"Just calling it something different is not going to solve the problem."
Despite this, the head of Dell's tablet business, Neil Hand, believes that education is key and that "just calling it something different is not going to solve the problem." In an interview with The Australian Financial Review, Hand says there will always be a place for ARM-based systems and that "there's a future for RT." With a limited range of Windows RT devices available at retailers it's early days for Windows RT, but with the insistence of a Windows moniker it's not likely to be named any different any time soon.