AT&T also confirmed its HTC Windows Phone 8X pricing. The handset will launch at $199.99 for a 16GB version and $99.99 for an 8GB version, both will be available before thanksgiving. AT&T will stock exclusive Limelight Yellow and California Blue color variants of the 8X with 8GB of storage for $99.99. AT&T informs us that it will also include a free wireless charging plate with each purchase of Lumia 920, for a limited time.
Update: The Nokia pre-order pages are now live on AT&T's site, revealing the "no-commitment" (off-contract) pricing for both Lumias. The Lumia 920 will be available for $449.99, while the Lumia 820 can be had for $399.99. That's competitive when compared to similar Android and iOS devices, although obviously doesn't match the LTE-less Nexus 4 for value. No-commitment pricing for the HTC Windows Phone 8X hasn't been released yet.